Thursday, November 29, 2018

A Week To Heal The Heel

Today I ran again after last Friday's injury. I went cycling on Sunday for about 60 km. I kept using the wooden roller and other recommended exercises for plantar fasciitis. Meanwhile I was also exercising my upper body and stretching the lower body. I can now do 6x3 push ups and 4x3 dands (Indian push ups which is similar to surya pranam). The pain on the tricep is ebbing out a bit.

Today I felt confident enough to go out for a run and ran a slow 2 km. I maintained a steady pace of 7 min per kilometer. I am happy with this controlled run. It shows I am maturing as a runner who can control his pace.

During the run the foot was hurting a bit. But I kept at it. It didn't increase significantly after the run. 

Friday, November 23, 2018

Back To Running

After a long hiatus I started running once again a few weeks ago. Started with 1 km of easy runs every alternate evening. Soon it became 2 km. The plantar pain, though was there, didn't cause any major hindrance. Gradually my pace was coming down. Last night I tried to do something differently. Instead of focusing on my pace, I ran with the BPM screen on and every time I would feel out of breadth I would look at the BPM and know that nothing was wrong there. This would give me a mental boost and I would keep running at the same pace instead of slowing down. 

This resulted in a fantastic time (relative to my usual times). Came back home feeling great. But later at night, when I was at the computer, I suddenly realised, while getting up, that there was a sharp pain behind the heel. 

I used the wooden roller continuously. Did the towel pulls with my toes. It came under control but not totally gone. Early morning today, it was pretty bad. Tomorrow I shall go cycling. Let me see where this pain takes me in terms of running. If needed I will once again go on a hiatus for a long time.