Saturday, October 1, 2016

2K Morning Run

I ran today after a couple of weeks when I was down with low fever. This was also my first morning run after a very long time. Could run only for 2 km when I thought I'd do 5. I was coasting along fine for more than a kilometer when I was running along the road. The moment I entered the lake the fuel seemed to run out suddenly. It is so windless inside the wooded part of the lake that it was well nigh impossible to continue running. I walked for 250 meters (1.56 to 1.81) to resume the run again but soon realised it would not be possible for me to pull it through today. So I gave up at 2 km.

I think it is a combination of these few factors that stopped me. A. I was running after a few days' gap B. I am not used to day time running C. It was totally windless inside the Lake today.