Friday, October 27, 2017

My First Sub-12 min 2K

Today I ran my first sub-12 min 2 kilo meter. In 11:28 min, to be precise. This happened rather naturally. I didn't push myself too much. Of course, there was an element of telling myself, "you have got to do it" towards the end. But generally speaking, I didn't have to really really push myself. Along with the fastest 2 km, I think I also ran the fastest mile also at 9.06 min. 

One odd thing about tonight's effort was that I ran the two splits at exactly the same time. At precisely 5 min 44 seconds each. Usually my second km is a little slower than my first km (with a few notable exceptions). 

Tonight I went to run after seven days. I had last run on Saturday last. After that on Sunday morning I went for that 51 km ride. Ever since, every evening something or the other was coming up, jeopardising my plans to run. It feels so frustrating these days to miss an evening of runs, particularly for reasons beyond one's control. 

This evening I had a short cat nap at home after coming back from work. I also emptied my bowels before going out. This is a new problem with me. If I don't do it before a run, I feel the pressure after around 1.5 km and it affects my effort.

Of late, I have started doing a few running form drills before the runs. I read about them in Meb for Mortals, which came in last week. Gradually my target is to do the drills every morning. And strength training every alternate evening between the runs and a day's rest. 

My next target is to increase the distance gradually. Next week will be 3k. Followed by 4 and then 5. 

The weather has cooled down. Tonight I sweated significantly less. It was a little breezy as well as cool.