Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Vitamin D Deficiency

My vitamin D level has been just found to be drastically low. It's 10.3 to be precise, while the minimum level should be 20. That explains why my shoulder aches so much every morning for the last several months now. Suranjan advised Uprise @ 2 tabs per week for the first month and thereafter 1 tab per week for two months. He also suggested Shelcal @ 2 tabs every day. 

I started the Uprise right away from today - Wednesday 29th March, 2017. This is Mampu's stock. I think Wednesday/Sunday will be right for me. I will take 2 tabs per week till end of April. Thereafter 1 tab per week for May and June. 

Shelcal should continue in perpetuity. After my wrist fracture I was on a daily dose of Calinta Frac for some months and then stopped it. I guess that was an error on my part. I must also routinely now start walking in the sun for at least half an hour every single day. 

Apparently a higher than normal level of the vitamin is potentially more dangerous. Have to check that. 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Long Time No See

It's been some time since I wrote anything here. Much as I would like it to be otherwise, running outdoors doesn't work for me in winter. In summer, when the tongue almost touches the knees out of sheer fatigue and every last bit of energy seems to ooze out with the drops of sweat and grime, one feels I will make huge progress in winter. But when winter actually sets in one gets lethargic. One feels reluctant to go out in the cold of the evening. Waking up to go out in the early morning hours is simply out of question. Eventually winter passes without much outdoor activity. This happens every year. 

I started running again in February this year. A look at my activity chart on Garmin Connect or Strava will show this. I have decided to run a fixed course of 2 km every other evening. Improve the time to something respectable like 6 min per kilometer and then increase the distance.

I started this year's runs from 31st January. The time has improved consistently and I am happy that from what started as a 20 minute course, is now doable in 12 and a half minute. 

My best, achieved a couple of weeks or so ago was sub 14 minute. I think 13 minutes 40 seconds. But today, I don't know what spirit of Carl Lewis got into me - I ran the first km in a few seconds more than six minutes and the second was completed in slightly above six and a half minute.

Commendable in my personal opinion. But I will have to work on closing the gap between the first and second kilometer's timing. I think I can do it.

So what is the reason for this huge success? I think my concentration on doing extensive lower body exercises on the off days. Today I realised the lunges that I have started doing are really paying rich dividends. My form has improved because of them, not to speak of the strength in the core regions.

I think once I build more strength in my calves, the going will get smoother and faster.